Improve your skills to increase productivity in the workplace!
Company HOPI SK in Senec decided to open the doors of their company and offer a unique opportunity to participate in an open training ,,Training in the factory“ on the topic “Detailed workplace design in practice”, where you will learn how to properly analyze a workplace, define deviations, visualize the current state, design a new layout and create a standard and ensure its use. The training will take place on 23. May 2024 at 8.00 a.m.
They make the best use of the skills they have acquired:
- mid-level managers,
- quality and maintenance staff,
- process engineers and technicians,
- industrial engineers,
- all those interested in increasing productivity in the workplace.
This training is a unique chance to learn how to identify and eliminate those “selfie moments” in your processes and turn them into efficient and smoothly running activities through the creation of standards.
What do you get by training?
The basis for detailed design of workplaces is to know the current state and requirements for the future state based on production volume, product mix requirements, product complexity,… The output is usually a clearly defined procedure – a standard of how, with what, in what time to be produced to achieve the goals.
During this one-day (8 hours) practical training you will gain not only theoretical knowledge, but above all practical skills with workplace design and standardization of work directly in production. The company in which the training is carried out will define with you the problem you will be working on, which will provide you with direct contact with real production, production processes, employees and current standards. You get thus, a unique view of the real inputs describing:
- What are the objectives and principles of standardization of work.
- How to analyze and map existing processes using video.
- How to define and implement work standards.
- How to properly create a workplace layout.
- How to solve problems and obstacles in standardizing work.
Investing in the future
The price of 220€ excluding VAT per participant seems to be only symbolic considering what the training offers:
- participation in training,
- new contacts,
- benchmarking with other participants,
- training materials,
- new knowledge,
- practical skills,
- refreshments, lunch
- and a certificate of completion at the end.
If you can apply the skills you learn to your work and manage to increase productivity in your workplaces, the benefits of this improvement will surely be many times higher than the participation fee alone.
But that’s not all! The clever improver who manages to speed up the corporate run to the max gets a GIFT! Not only will you gain practical experience that you can use in your own business, but you will also get an external view of your ideas and processes and the opportunity to benchmark your company’s processes.
SLCP members have a discount on the participation fee.
How can you register?
You can apply via the online application form (found at the end). Book your place on a training course that will change the way you look at workplaces in your company.
If you have any questions or uncertainties, please contact the SLCP via email or by phone on +421 910 705 876.
Please note that places are limited!
We look forward to your participation and to seeing real productivity improvements in practice.