Efficient picking of goods with an AMR robot

One of the very common activities in warehouses is picking goods. Modern automated mobile robot (AMR) technology is increasingly used in the logistics industry to optimize and streamline warehouse operations. Is it possible to use an AMR robot to pick goods? Yes!

“Picking goods – a process where the AMR robot ensures automated movement between different pallet positions in the warehouse or automated transfer of picked goods to a defined location (shipping zone, intermediate warehouse, workplace, etc.).”

How does picking work with the AMR robot?

The whole process works by moving the AMR robot along a pre-planned route between the racks. The AMR robot monitors its surroundings to avoid obstacles and safely stop in front of a defined pallet position.

When the AMR robot stops in front of the pallet, the operator is present and ready for action. His task is to transfer the goods from the pallet in the warehouse to the pallet on the robot. This transshipment may include loading, unloading, or arranging products according to specific requirements.

After completing transshipment at one position, the AMR robot moves independently (without an operator) to the next pallet position according to a set schedule and repeatedly starts a new cycle until all orders or other warehouse operations are successfully completed.

What does picking with an AMR robot bring?

  • fast and accurate handling of goods – moving only according to the planned route
  • increasing the overall efficiency and productivity of warehouse operations – minimizing operator waste
  • reducing the risk of errors and occupational accidents – compliance with the activity plan as well as traffic rules
  • minimizing the number of stopping points in the process and costs – the AMR robot does not smoke, does not drink coffee, …
  • higher reliability and picking speed – the operator spends more time on picking itself

Where can picking with an AMR robot be used?

The possibilities of applying goods picking using the AMR robot are wide. In general, it can be said that wherever the picking of goods is required, it is possible to use the AMR robot handling unit for the transport of goods. Of course, the economy of such a solution must be kept in mind, which can be affected by transport distances, the size and weight of the picked goods, weight, frequency, etc.

Logistics centers – frequent processes in logistics centers are the unloading of various goods on one order from the customer. The warehouses of logistics centers are usually large and long transport distances have to be overcome with the goods. The operator does not have to cover all long distances. The AMR robot overcomes certain distances automatically.

Production operations – within operations such as welding assemblies, frames, etc. the presence of different types of parts is often required. Workplaces usually do not have enough space for a large number of pallets. The solution is, for example, “kittovanie” – placing different parts on one pallet. The AMR robot and automated transport can be used for the actual “kittovanie” in the warehouse and subsequent transfer to the workplace.

Assembly operations – assembly usually requires a number of different parts on the job site. Even in assembly workplaces, there is usually not much space to place a large number of individual parts. It is more efficient to transport all necessary parts to the workplace on one handling unit (pallet, trolley, etc.). It is advantageous to use an AMR robot for the actual selection of the necessary parts and their automated transfer to the workplace.

AMR robots are a promising way forward, transforming the way transport and picking processes are managed and executed. Do you want to know how the picking of goods using the AMR robot would work directly in your operation? In that case, you can contact us for more information:


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